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Cписок научных трудов Ю.А. Нефёдова

  1. Multicomponent order parameter and penetration depth of YBCO single crystals.
    Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.A. Golubov, M.R. Trunin, M.T. Beal-Monod. Physica B 284-288, 919 (2000).
  2.  c-axis penetration depth in BiSrCaCuO single crystals measured by ac-susceptibility and cavity perturbation technique.
    D.V. Shovkun, M.R. Trunin, A.A. Zhukov, Yu.A. Nefyodov, N. Bontemps, H. Enriquez, A. Buzdin, M. Daumens, T. Tamegai. JETP Lett. 71, 92 (2000).
  3. Phenomenological description of the microwave surface impedance and complex conductivity of high-Tc single crystals.
    M.R. Trunin, Yu.A. Nefyodov, H.J. Fink, JETP 91, 801 (2000).
  4.  Triple approach to determination of the c-axes penetration depth in BSCCO crystals.
    M.R. Trunin, Yu.A. Nefyodov, D.V. Shovkun, A.A. Zhukov, N. Bontemps, H. Enriquez, A. Buzdin, M. Daumens, T. Tamegai. J. Supercond. 14, 187 (2001).
  5. Characteristic features of the temperature dependence of the surface impedance
    in polycrystalline MgB2 samples.
    Yu.A. Nefyodov, M.R. Trunin, A.F. Shevchun, D.V. Shovkun, N.N. Kolesnikov, M.P. Kulakov, A. Agliolo Gallitto, and S. Fricano,  Europhysics Letters, v.58(3), 422 (2002)
  6. Anomalous microwave conductivity due to collective transport in the pseudogap state of cuprate superconductors.
    C. Kusko, Z. Zhai, N. Hakim, R. S. Markiewicz, S. Sridhar, D. Colson, V. Viallet-Guillen, A. Forget, Yu. A. Nefyodov, M. R. Trunin, N. N. Kolesnikov, A. Maignan, A. Daignere, A. Erb.
    Phys. Rev. B 65, 132501 (2002)
  7. Microwave surface impedance anisotropy of YBaCuO single crystals with different oxygen content.
    Yu.A. Nefyodov, M.R. Trunin. Physica C,  388-389, 469 (2003).
  8. Surface impedance anisotropy YBa2Cu3O6.95 single crystals: electrodynamic basis of the measurements.
    Yu.A. Nefyodov, M.R. Trunin, A.A. Zhohov, I.G. Naumenko, G.A. Emel'chenko, D.Yu. Vodolazov, I.L. Maksimov.  Phys. Rev. B  67, 144504, (2003).
  9. Анизотропия микроволновой проводимости YBa2Cu3O7-x в сверхпроводящем и нормальном состояниях: кроссовер 3D-2D.
    М.Р. Трунин, Ю.А. Нефедов. Письма в ЖЭТФ 77, 696 (2003).
  10. Superfluid density in the underdoped YBa2Cu3O7-x: Evidence for d-density wave order of pseudogap.
    M.R. Trunin, Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 067006 (2004).
  11. Pseudogap in the microwave response of YBa2Cu3O7-x.
    M.R. Trunin, Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun, Supercond.Sci. Technol., 17, 1082 (2004).
  12. Measuring microwave properties of laminated dielectric substrates.
    V.N. Egorov, V.L. Masalov, Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun, and M.R. Trunin, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75(11), 4423 (2004).
  13. Dielectric Constant, Loss Tangent and Surface Resistance of PCB Materials at K-band Frequencies.
    V.N. Egorov, V.L. Masalov, Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun, M.R. Trunin, V.E. Zhitomirsky, and M. McLean. IEEE MTT 53(2), 627 (2005).
  14. Microwave response of V3Si single crystals: Evidence for two-gap superconductivity.
    Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.M. Shuvaev, M.R. Trunin. Europhys. Lett. 72(4), 638 (2005)
  15. Microwave surface impedance and complex conductivity of high-Tc single crystals: Current state and unsolved problems.
    Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun, A.M. Shuvaev, M.R. Trunin. J.Supercond., to be published

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