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How to get to Chernogolovka

Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Academician Osipyam str., 2, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 142432, Russia

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You can reach Chernogolovka by bus from Shelkovskaya bus station (Schelkovskaya subway station):
  • 360 Moscow-Dubrovo (point 1)
  • 320 Moscow-Chernogolovka (point 1 - buses, point 2 - minibuses)

Organising Committee decided to cancel all the buses from Chkalovskaya station and from station because of absence of requests.

Trip is about 1 hour long

Bredikhin S.I. • Tel: +7(496) 5221629 • Fax: +7(496) 5228160 • email: FuelCell2019@issp.ac.ru