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Start page

Information about trip to Suzdal

Information regarding trip from Vladimir station to GTK "Suzdal" is published at the Conference website.



Proceeding of the conference

Conference procceding are uploaded to the conference website.



Extension of abstract submission deadline

Dear colleagues!

Organisation Committee of 5th All-Russia conference with international participation "Fuel Cells and Power Plants Based on Them" and 2nd School for young scientists "Modern Aspects of Highly-efficient Fuel Cells and Power Plants Based on Them" informs you that deadline for abstract submission is extended till May, the 14th, 2017.



4th information letter

4th information letter was published at the conference website.



Extended organisation fee

Size of the extended organisation fee was corrected in accordance with the size of the organisation fee.



Organisation fee

Updated information about organisation fee is published at the conference website (changes in a way of reduction).



3rd information letter

3rd information letter was published at the conference website.



2nd information letter

2nd information letter was published at the conference website.



1st information letter

1st information letter was published at the conference website.



Program committee

List of Program committee members is published at the website.


Bredikhin S.I. • Tel: +7(496) 5221629 • Fax: +7(496) 5228160 • email: FuelCell2018@issp.ac.ru